Originally Posted by masaegu
Just to nitpick, "is a necessary nutrient" > "is like a necessary nutrient ".
Yay! I'm stoked to hear that
On more thing; The protagonist guy (Yuusei) takes to a friend (Manaka). Manaka doubts Yuusei's story but considers it hypothetically since he sees who upset Yuusei is over the fate of his daughter. Manaka comes to a plausible conclusion and Yuusei thanks him;
Yuusei;「ありがとな真仲・・・ やっとはっきり分かっ� �よ」
Thank you Manaka... I finally understand it clearly
Hold on a sec Kurusu-kun! Everything I said just now was hypothetical!
「運を吸い取る話だって来栖君自身はっきり分かってる わけじゃないんだろ?」
That was just a story about absorbing luck-- you don't actually believe that explains what's going on (Ack, I'm
really going rough here. D: I'm just guesslating for something that makes sense in this context)
「もしかしたらもっと現実的な原因があって花凛ちゃん の治療も可能かもしれないよ?」
Maybe there's a more realistic cause and perhaps there's a medical treatment for Karin-chan?
I don't think I did the last two lines very well... Nit picking is greatly appreciated
Oh yeah, and what does ダッセー mean? E.g. 「ダッセー転んでやがんの」 (said by guys teasing their friend who fell down) And 「手のひら 全部で長く触ってたら死ぬ事故が起こって た」?