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(#11 (permalink))
Matsun (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 6
Join Date: Jan 2011
02-02-2011, 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by spicytuna View Post
As far as I understand, each high school has an entrance exam which is done in Japanese. If you can go there and reach a grade 10 Japanese equivalent within a year, I'll personally pay for your tuition fees.

But more importantly, what kind of visa will you be using?

Your best bet would be to get a working holiday visa. You won't be able to extend it but you'll be able to live and work in Japan for a year.

thanks for the replies and helping me.
Thank you very much indeed spicytuna but I could never accept that .
I will use a student visa( if I successfully get one ).
I have "talked" with the principal and the result is the following: I will be able to do the entrance exam + an interview in both english and japanese
So it all depends on the visa and the exam now!
Again thank you for your concern, everyone!

Edit: The only thing I do not understand is the following -> In order to get a student visa I need a school to "sponsorship" my visa. Now for my question: Can they sponsorship me before I take the exam? Or do I basically have to fly there without a visa (3 months stay), take the exam, pass, fly back, achieve my visa and fly to Japan again TT?


Last edited by Matsun : 02-02-2011 at 07:51 PM.
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