Thread: Tale of Storys.
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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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Tatsu: A summoner's tale - 02-02-2011, 08:27 PM

The explosion rumbles through the grove. Smoke and flame shoot skyward,. “This is just what we needed...” I speak out sarcastically. “We were supposed to be heading out of here. Every second we dawdle, ever minute we lag behind, the Dragons move one step above us. We need to move onward. This is quite troublesome...” I glance about at Swift's latest victims. The manner in which their bodies were torn apart where animalistic ...

“Alright..” I whisper into the breeze. Pounding my fist into my palm, I stand idle, and concentrate on Swift's presence. I close my eyes, and envision his aura, I can clearly feel it's vibrant nature. I will myself, and use my time-space technique, to bring myself directly to Swift's side. Upon opening my eyes, I had expected to be standing somewhat near to wherever Swift would be currently located. But to my surprise, I was standing further away, back at the edge of the barrier, where we parted ways from Suzette. Whaa? I think stupefied. What happened to Swift's presence? Why did my tracking ability fail? Why was I transported back? Then it hit me like a ton of bricks... Swiftant's aura is gone. Taken over by this new embodiment. This being, this Vengeance, the one going on a war path was a completely different person. Swift has been gone, he left with Suzette. Her presence was keeping Vengeance in check. His growing rage had a veil placed carefully upon it by Suzette's pure and caring soul. Now that she was gone, this inner demon was able to break through the seams and escape. I couldn't feel the aura of Vengeance. Simply put, I don't think he had one.

“This creature is not of this world.” Wait. I know this. A revelation had befallen me. This is preordained.

Yogensha! I erupt in my mind. Your existence has become clear to me now! I know what you are. Any true summoner could see the signs! You, the million year old soul!

Yogensha is silent. But I know all to well that he is there, and he is listening.

The Tale, past down from summoner to summoner since this accursed world was formed.

“The wandering seer who gives strength to the youthful, will pave the way for seven paths, seven elements of man. We will emerge from a million year sleep and set history in motion.” This was uttered by the first summoner on his deathbed. He made a contract with fate, and in doing so, was able to see into the distant future. I know who it was now.... It was you, Yogensha! The first summon!

“Tatsu...” Yogensha finally speaks out from the void. “I never thought someone would grasp the absurd truths of the debacle of a dying man.” I stay silent, and continue to listen.

“Yes. I was the first summoner. I summoned the Dragons from their world. They were not indigenous to this dimension. Through telepathy, and years of study, I made a contract with fate. I had more power than you could ever fathom. As you can see, a million years have past, even in death my power still far exceeds any Dragon. I felt that mankind needed an ally, someone to keep him in check, and make them even more righteous and amazing in the future. But the Dragons turned against us, and defied us. I have watched events unfold and transpire around the world. But I could watch no longer, to rid the world of the plague that I unleashed, I called upon the most brightest and talented youths in all of Etrirea. You, a summoner of like mind, was the most promising. But you died before I could make contact. I had to keep you alive to aid Swiftant. For I knew he was the incarnation of the seven elements of man....”

Yogensha materializes himself within my mind. He looks exactly as he did when I saw him in Hell. An old shriveled up man, wrapped in heavy robes.

“After making a contract with fate, I was tricked, I had no idea that after my death I would remain alive, in this purgatory, my existence gave way to the summons as you know them now. My soul was the link to other dimensions. As you know, beings such as Gana, Enu, Flearin, are from other dimensions, and we call them here through the power hold within. My actions caused this event, I linked the dimensions to ours, and set this all in motion. And now, that you know about me, now that you know I am a summon, we must make a contract.” Yogensha holds out his hand from under his robes. Each one of his fingers in decorated with brilliant rings. Each ring contains a jewel. Red, green, blue and yellow. The elements of the world.

“What do you mean we have to make a contract?” I reel back, and step onto my heel.

“I raised you from the dead Tatsu. I put my energies into you. I sowed your soul back to your world. You owe me far more than you could imagine.”

Anger starts to grow in me. “You tricked me!”

Yogensha sighs heavily. “You were the first. The first one to figure out my curse. In order for me to move on, I must make the first summoner who discovers me a summon.”

This can't be. “What do you mean?! Make me a summon?!” Yogensha steps closer to me. But I can't move. I am trapped in place.

“No contract Tatsu.... It is Fusion. When you die, you will become just like me, a wandering spirit, floating endlessly between the dimensions. When you die, you won't go to heaven or hell. You will merely exist, trapped until another sets you free, and in turn receives your role...This is the curse, the cost of playing with fate. You must suffer for my actions. It is the price we pay, the summoners, who follow the same bloodline.”

I am at a loss for words...This can't be. I don't understand. Why did this have to happen.

I stand within the void of my mind...alone...bound...
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