Originally Posted by jack10110
1.Although women are granted equal rights to men, the law is not enforced, so women have a HARDER time moving up the job ladder in Japan.
True in America as well.
Originally Posted by jack10110
2. It's perfectly OK to marry out of Money rather than love in Japanese society. Even if you're a broke poor male, you could provide more for the family then the female could even earn with the exact education.
Women are not getting married as much or are waiting longer in Japan now because they would rather make their own money than marry a "broke poor male".
Originally Posted by jack10110
3. Japanese men want childish women, who use small words, and do not challenge his intelligence. Go back to #1 if you still have questions. (But don't think this will apply to her gaijin boyfriend.)
Japanese men want women who can raise the children and maintain the home and expenses. Do you really think Japanese men lament how smart their wives are? Really.
Originally Posted by jack10110
4. After 25 years old, they are considered makeinu (loser dog) or an old cake, if they aren't married yet.
Did you get in a time machine from 1986? A 25 year old women today would not even be familiar with the term "Christmas Cake".
I am not going to go one by one... I think I made my point.