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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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02-02-2011, 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by jack10110 View Post
This list is aimed at people living with Japanese women, not dating. I wouldn't expect anyone to have ALL of these problems. 2% seems reasonable.

Like I said, these are common issues friends and I have had over the years with various Japanese women. And I think for the most part these are issues unique to Japan

Anyway, if you don't have any problems, then good for you.

BTW... I like the guy who made the "American girl problem..." thread in spite of what I posted here. When I was 17 years old in the 90s I would have done the same thing because I wouldn't want to hear bad things about my socialist stagnated love affair known as Japan.
That's the thing.. they're not unique to Japan. Most of it is just the same boring old stereotype about wives and girlfriends that you hear all the time but given a Japanese twist.

My list shows that.

You should realise all I had to do was change "Japanese" to "American" for half of them. I did very little editing. Just copy and pasted your list and tweaked it here and there and it made surprising sense (as it was very similar to the usual stereotypes about women).

Furthermore I've lived in Japan and have dated Japanese women before. Sure there were disagreements and conflicts here and there and I'm not with any of them anymore, but I've had no more problems with them than any other relationship I've had. And my opinion is similar to what other guys like RealJames, GoNative, RickOShay and Belyvis are saying so it sounds like you either got unlucky with some bad apples or the problem is you.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 02-02-2011 at 09:20 PM.
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