Originally Posted by eezy1
posted a thread about this a min ago but then saw this thread. my apologies.
Firstly Hi! Hope ur all well. My name is Shan and im from the United Kingdom.
Ok basically I have been wanting to get a tattoo with the use of kanji symbols. But ive read that it is very easy to get the wrong meaning unless you have someone very familiar with the language at hand to help.
So here is what I needed help with. I needed the correct kanji for the english phrase "love shy"
I found 2 kanji images online and have edited to make them as one. Does this read as "love shy"? please let me know. Thanks friends

What you have is;
Which as far as I can see makes zero sense... Google "慕内気" (with the quotation marks) and you won't get anything, Chinese or otherwise.
内気 [uchiki] does mean bashfulness/shyness but 慕 doesn't mean love, it more means 'yearn for'.
I believe you want
Though I may be wrong