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masaegu (Offline)
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02-03-2011, 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
Friends, I have one more here.
Could you help me with this?
ただひとりのハーフである。ひたすら強い相手との戦いを求め、そのためな らRihakuでもJakoでもどちらについてもかまわないと考 え て い る ほ ど だ。
This "half" is confuse for me.
If I understood this 強い相手との戦い, it talks, summarizing, ":He just wanna fight alongside of strong partners, so, he does not care about which side, Rihaku or Jako, he follows."
Is this ハーフ concerned with fact he does not have a real conviction (belief)?
Thank you very much.
ハーフ usually means "50% one race and 50% another". Does that make sense? I just don't know anything about this story.