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(#37 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
02-03-2011, 07:02 AM

Check out these statistics. I love this man's blog by the way-- I think it will contribute to the way this thread is going immensely. Please make sure to check the dates on which these were posted. There is a search feature on the far left side of the blog so you can search for other questions you might have. Always check the demographics. I think this data is more accurate than just giving our opinions as it represents a more complete opinion. As far as I've seen there is no regional separation... so there is no way of knowing where this data comes from other than the fact that it comes from Japan.

Working Japanese women and stress | 世論 What Japan Thinks

Working mothers in Japan | 世論 What Japan Thinks

Endemic discrimination against Japanese women: part 1 of 2 | 世論 What Japan Thinks

Housework styles of Japanese women | 世論 What Japan Thinks

(Check out part 2 and 3 as well)
Young Japanese views on marriage, children and divorce: part 1 of 3 | 世論 What Japan Thinks

Two in five of Japanese male employees feel no female disparity | 世論 What Japan Thinks

A gender-equal society in Japan: part 1 of 2 | 世論 What Japan Thinks

Sexual equality in society still far off: part 1 of 2 | 世論 What Japan Thinks
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