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Nyororin (Offline)
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02-03-2011, 10:19 AM

Originally Posted by Digi123 View Post
I'm trying to see if there are any other available sources for short term (1 month) weekly rentals. Budget in the range of 200,000 or less that has 2 separate beds.

Thanks so much again! I am very grateful.
Have you looked into LeoPalace? They have an English page, and I believe English support.

Most of their rooms only have one bed, but they will provide a second for a minimal fee (I think it was something like 800yen/wk). When I had family here for our wedding, we rented one of their rooms. It had a loft bed, a regular bed, and then we paid extra for a second regular bed. The rooms are generally quite nice and clean. Including all fees, we ended up paying 69,000yen for the room for 3 weeks - but that wasn`t in Tokyo. so you`ll likely have to pay much more.

They offer special plans where you pay ahead in a flat fee for your stay. It isn`t introduced on the English page, but you can also rent by the week, and in some cases the day (when it is over a certain length - for example, if you need to stay 38 days, you can rent one month, one week, and one day.)

Some of these places that cater to foreigners coming to Japan really make me gawk. They charge at least twice what is regularly charged... What a way to take advantage of a language gap.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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