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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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02-04-2011, 02:22 AM

Originally Posted by orangereel View Post
Thanks for catching that pesky を for me - I was concerned about perhaps too many honorifics as well, but, my instructor heavily stressed to me that I needed to use extreme politeness, so, I thought it would be better to be safe than sorry. I'm afraid I don't understand your "obviously got too much external help" comment though? Are you wondering if asking for an external proof-reading is too much help according to my class?

In any case, thank you again for your reply, any help at all is appreciated.
No, what I was getting at with the "too much help" thing was more that I don't know how much we can suggest you change it without it veering into "we haven't taught this to our classes yet, so someone must have done the work for him" territory.