Originally Posted by Columbine
Ok, slightly bizarre language request here that I'm passing on;
What would be the best way to translate 'folding time', where time is as in Time the concept not 'ooh, it's 3pm, folding time!'.
Equally, could swap this around to be 'to fold time', but while I know that 折/折る is folding i'm not sure what word I should use for time, 時間? or just 時? should I use continuous? 時を折る 時を折っています?
Could it be done like a play on 折り紙 so, 折り時?
For the record, it need not make perfect sense, it's supposed to be a bit poetic and arty.
Thanks in advance, I'm lost on this one.
Though I don't know what "folding time" means, I do know that none of the phrases you created make any sense.