Originally Posted by orangereel
Thanks for catching that pesky を for me - I was concerned about perhaps too many honorifics as well, but, my instructor heavily stressed to me that I needed to use extreme politeness, so, I thought it would be better to be safe than sorry. I'm afraid I don't understand your "obviously got too much external help" comment though? Are you wondering if asking for an external proof-reading is too much help according to my class?
In any case, thank you again for your reply, any help at all is appreciated.
Yeah, definitely too many honourifics. My professors have actually told us that the use of too much keigo and honourifics can come off as insulting like you're being contemptible of treating them in a higher manner. And just a fun note, if you really wanted to keigo it up, you could have put 'こちらに書いてくださいませんか?' as こちらにお書きになってくださいませんか。 and could go even politer (I think this is about the politest you can get) with it as 'こちらにお書きになられてくださいませんか。' and a few of the 'です' and 'でした' as 'でいらっしゃいます' and 'でいらっしゃいました', especially with the 'いかが'
Anyways haha I came on this forum to ask a specific question myself, well really feedback.
I asked two Japanese professors of mine to write me letters of recommendation back in November for the JET programme, and since I have received an interview with JET, I would like to thank them. I asked a friend who knows a ton about Japanese culture what one would get a middle-aged Japanese woman, he said bath goods or flowers. I didn't feel my best with bath goods as baths are more esteemed in Japanese culture, so I wouldn't want to get a bad bath good. So I opted for flowers instead, I read up on 花言葉 and I feel irises best represent what I want to convey (no florist around here carries bluebells). So I have bought them both irises and a small flower card where one writes a message.
Here is my attempt, please let me know what you think (i.e. sentiment, grammar, keigo, etc).
Thanks for any input.