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DaisukeKigurou (Offline)
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Does Japan Have harsh language - 02-04-2011, 03:04 PM

( mods, move if need be)

I had a talk with my brothers friend, which I know is a bad idea in it'self. The guy says he is interested in japan, but more or less shows that this is untrue. The guy is Xenophobic and only shows how much he hates Japan and how he puts america on a pedestal. But that is not why I am here,

Last night, he had a rant about Japans language and how ONLY americans and Germans have harsh language. Then he started to contradict himself has is little bitch fit went on.

My question is, is this true, Japan doesn't have harsh language?

~苦痛は中心、それはある から来る; 憎む人によって引き起こされる。~
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