04-08-2007, 07:16 PM
I hope you're joking. There ARE dogs in Japan. They're quite the rage too.
You can take your dog with you but I highly advise against it unless you are US Military. The quarantine is long and expensive. The kennels are at Narita or the port of entry. They are expensive for dogs, they don't treat your pet that well either IMO.
US Military is quite different because the quarantine is on post and is free to service member (last time I was there anyways)
Nyororin brought up the point of apartments. He is dead on right. Most apartments are not going to let you have a dog. Most Gaijin start off sharing an apartment with other foreigners. Those apartments are like dormatories and pets simply are not allowed.
My advice is for you to find a good home for your dog. Hopefully you will be lucky like I was and find a relative that doesn't mind caring for your dog in the long term.
Point blank: DONT take your dog. Consider the hardships placed on your dog. If you love your dog, don't put him/her through it.