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RealJames (Offline)
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02-04-2011, 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by jack10110 View Post
Yes the enjoying life, and spending money is dead on good sir. When they get married they cant live this life anymore. But we shouldn't leave the economy out of the equation. Japans credit score was just downgraded AGAIN, and this time it was a big blow to Japan Inc/government.

Job salaries, and benefits are extremely low, and many Japanese are forced to find jobs via hakengaisya (staffing firms) vs direct life time hire. If you ever deal with a staffing firm in Japan (possibly if your an ALT you would understand) you could work for the same company for 10 years straight, but your salary would never increase. So what is a man and women to do making 240,000 yen a month for 10 years? Nothing. They cant get married until they save...Or quit their jobs frequently and travel, which makes them push back marriage even further.
I've never met anyone in that situation here.
But I have met a lot of young poor married couples, fresh out of university both broke or still students some times.
And I have also met so very man who have no desire to get married until they are over 30 and fully intend to enjoy the ride till then.

Consumerism is alive and well in Japan, you'd hardly know there was a problem with the economy looking at sales figures.

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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