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(#49 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
02-04-2011, 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by jack10110 View Post
Thank you for your post. I will remind you that this is aimed at people living with women (probably for more then 6 months.) However, if you had long relationships and had zero problems, then good for you.

This is an assortment of problems that I have heard again and again from friends, and of course some that I have personally experienced. If its something totally bizarre and rare, I wouldnt have listed it.

The only other point I am trying to make is that we SHOULDN'T compare these problems to western women. There is a different dynamic in Japan, that breeds this kind of behavior. I tried to list a few reasons (which could be wrong) but ultimately we will probably never really know.
I am living with my fiance now and we have been together for almost 4 years. I would not consider myself to be some sort of lucky minority though.
I have met a lot of Japanese women in my life, whether they were acquaintances, friends, or girlfriends, I never sensed any of the behavior issues you mentioned in the majority of them, and honestly if they did seem to have those issues, I probably stayed away from them, because anybody as obnoxious as some of the things you mentioned would stink of "annoying" like miles away. I do not doubt there are girls out there who have done the things you mention, but I seriously disagree that they should be counted as representative of the entire Japanese female populous as a whole.

I am more boggled why you and your friends would put up with these immature brats. In any case, if you end up with a Japanese wife I hope you can manage to find somebody who doesn't need to be spanked on a daily basis (in a bad way).

One more comment. I did not read the whole 25 years old debate.. but I have never heard the "cut off age" to be 25, it has always, always been 30 from what I have heard. Over 30 and not married is 負け犬.

Last edited by RickOShay : 02-04-2011 at 09:37 PM.
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