Originally Posted by jack10110
If you read all my posts, you would see that I acknowledge women getting married later in life but it's a choice they are making due to the weak economy, low salaries, no stability, nenkin all going to elderly, and expensive living costs. There is still a stigma about being over 25 and not married (I experienced it with my girlfriends and their parents), however due to Japans situation.........
"it can't be helped." <- love that line. I think more Americans should snap their tongue against their teeth, and say this line more. *sarcasm.
What is your basis for thinking women are waiting later to get married because of the bad economy? If the economy is bad a women should want to get married sooner for stability. This reasoning for women waiting to get married doesn't hold water because during the peak of the bubble economy, in the 80s did women get married younger? No, they steadily waited longer and longer.
If there is a stigma about waiting to get married after 25, no one seems to be affected by it, as the numbers reflect.
Originally Posted by jack10110
of course this graph he posted is true. What I meant by my earlier post was the stigma still exists...but its kind of an "oh well our economy is crap so we cant do anything about it" situation. Therefore they make the choice not to get married early.
And yet with all the problems we all just mentioned, the men and women continue to stay in Japan because.....their food is healthy, and outside Japan is dangerous and unpredictable. But this argument is for a another day 
The only economy people worry about is their own. No one says "I am not going to get married until we get out of this recession."
What are you talking about "choosing to stay in Japan"? Japanese people choose to "stay in Japan" not because the food is healthy and the outside world is dangerous. They stay in Japan because they are Japanese. Your posts are getting sillier and sillier, to be honest.