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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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02-05-2011, 12:20 AM

I have heard an example of every single item on the OP's list, though more than one could apply to western women as well.

Pretty much all Japanese women wish to be married by the age of 30. I know quite a few women who want to be married, but don't even have a boyfriend, let alone a fiancé.

Most Japanese women still dream of being housewives. They marry mainly for security, just as Japanese men list security as their top concern when job hunting.

The most common complaint I hear from men (Japanese and foreign) is lack of sex after marriage. Since security rates higher than love, there is often little romance in many relationships. Statistically speaking, Japanese have less sex than any other nationality, so there is obviously some truth to this complaint.

My girlfriend works a lot of hours, usually 12 hours per day or so. She is an officer at an American investment bank, and as such, her opportunity for advancement is much greater than most Japanese women. Her salary is much higher than a Japanese salaryman's, a fact which she is proud of. But she still sometimes thinks about what it would be like to be a stay-at-home housewife.

Japanese women [i]do[I/] have different relationships with foreigners than they do with Japanese men. My girlfriend thinks that Japanese men must be constantly "babied" to sooth their pride; the typical salaryman's life is mundane and mechanical, and it makes many men quite neurotic.

Anyway, Japanese women are different than western men in some ways, and the same in some others.
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