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KellyMD (Offline)
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Need Urgent Help! - 02-05-2011, 01:33 AM

I just finished ordering a magazine off of Bk1 (an online japanese store). The problem is I've just realized that I ordered the wrong magazine (Yes, it was a very idiotic mistake.) and now I have no idea how to cancel the order... I looked through their FAQ and it said this:

A:弊社責による理由のキャンセル・返品は謹んでお受� �いたします。なお、お客様のご都合によるキャンセル� �返品は 原則ご容赦いただいております。

But if I understood that correctly, it's just saying that they accept cancellations and returns, and not how to actually cancel an order. I'm not proficient enough in japanese quite yet to navigate through the site very well, so if someone could give the site a quick browse through and tell me if they state anything else about cancellations, it would be very very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
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