Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
Hey, I think I've got this but I wanna make sure. 「~ばいい」 means "you can~" right?
「でも君の場合 最悪 困ったら他の人から運を取っち ゃえばいいのか」
"But in your situation, if things get really bad you can just take luck from someone else, right?"
"Though, I'm just joking of course"
"There's no way you could do something so messed up (?)"
What does 物騒 mean? My dictionary defined it as "dangerous; disturbed; insecure". I'm not sure which one to use here...
「でも・・・オレはこのまま小さい事故ばかりで済むは ずがない」
What does 「済む」 mean here?
I will use "disturbing", not "disturbed" as your dic says. My second choice would be "unsettling".
済む = something gets settled, something is finished. You will see it's directly related to すみません if you think hard.