04-08-2007, 07:37 PM
Everything shown in the video is true but taken WAY out of context. I lived in Camp Zama Japan for 2 years and I can tell you that the signs are quite common. Most of the signs shown in the video are on the Night Clubs. Most of them are probably outside of Tokyo too. The further you get from Tokyo or Osaka or Okinawa (areas used to dealing with foreigners) the more likely you are to see them..
Here's why:
One reason is real prejudice (which is not the same as racism) Prejudice is to Pre Judge a situation based on your existing knowledge and experience. As I stated before, most of those signs are on night clubs. Those clubs have had past experiences with gaikokujin who have been rather rowdy and have caused trouble. Because of this, they simply put a blanket ban on foreigners. This is quite common around Camp Zama and it is due to a few troops that have not been able to control themselves after a few beers.
Another reason for not allowing gaikokujin is due to the language barriers and cultural differences. If you see a sign that says "No foreigners without a Japanese escort" then you know this is the case. These businesses either do not have the ability or the desire to provide the different services a gaikokujin would desire. They do not want to disrupt their other customers either. I'm an American and I'll frankly admit that I'm quite loud. I do my best to respect Japanese customs and traditions when I'm in country, but it is easy to slip up when your an ole Cajun from Louisiana. It is quite easy to make a total ass of yourself, even when you didn't intend to. If some of these businesses allowed gaikokujin, they take the risk of driving away their Japanese customers.
Just remember this. You are NOT in YOUR country. It is there country. Its their house and their rules. It might not always seem fair to you, but you need to take two steps back and take the situation under consideration.
As far as flat out racism. If you think that's racist. You have no idea what racism is. Louisiana is one of the most racists places in the US. I've seen racism first hand. Seeing a black kid strung up because he dated a white girl. That's racism my friends.