Originally Posted by jack10110
You could also create your own company in Japan (no visa required or lawyer, just ward office fees ranging from $400-800 for a kabushiki "publicly traded company" or godo gaisya "LLC") If you rent an apartment, you can make that your HQ and the government will accept it. Question is how will you make money! Areas such as Saitama will actually subsidize your company up to a certain percent if they like your business plan. Oh and investor visas don't exist anymore. So although you have your company, you need a Japanese person to sponsor you. Anyway I doubt you would go this route. But...now and again some do!
...and Japanese government is a greedy one. Depending on your tax bracket, nearly half of your revenue goes back to the government. So if you make 1 million dollars, they will take nearly half of it.
JACK, you said you can build your own company? How would you know if these people like what your making or not I mean my dad sat down with me once and told me how to start a company but he part that dosen't
make sence to me is how do you know that person likes it?????!
please write back.