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masaegu (Offline)
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02-06-2011, 01:52 AM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
In another forum someone asked a question about particles and used a phrase as example which is 夢を現実の前に降伏することがある.
I was kinda surprised because I thought 降伏する was an intransitive verb, but someone used google as example to show it was used as transitive verb. So I searched on google with the phrase 降伏するとは他動詞 and all I got back was 自動詞. For sure you find alot used を when it is used 降伏させる.
Can someone explain this please?
夢を現実の前に降伏することがある is a horrible phrase if you ask me. No educated person would say it.

降伏する = intransitive
降伏させる = transitive (To be more precise, this form gets an "honorary" transitive treatment but strictly speaking, it's intransitive.)

Last edited by masaegu : 02-06-2011 at 03:02 AM.