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(#620 (permalink))
DeTrooper (Offline)
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Germany, Ludwigshafen
02-06-2011, 04:34 PM

funny ending steel

Sorry as steel already said, it is a huge thread, so i couldn`t read all things which were said.

I´m from Germany, we have a few other educational systems like other countries.

Like the dual apprenticeship.
So you are quallified in a few aspects.

I Think you could still go to each Country with some significant knowledge.

Something like the World wide knowlegde in chemistry laws.
I don`t know how many of you have heard already about GHS (global hamroniziced system).

Even if it is the first step to harmonice the chemistry laws for labeling and other stuff, many Nations have their own GHS.

In Europe you have got REACH and CLP, R-phrses and S-phrses in GHS and CLP you get the H- and P-phrases.

to Transport your products in a other country you would have to Maintain many datas.

I hope to get to Japan as a buisness trip, for my company.

There are more ways than study on a college for 4 years.
But i will agree with all the others that it is a harder way.

My way is a way too, but first you need to get a company which is willing to send you to Japan, in Japan you have work and payment, but you are still their with a Visa.

So you need to do an excellent work, get used to the culture and other things if you want to stay.
Probably you could only stay with a lot of help.
And you need your company too, but even so you could get eventually only a working Visa.
If you could stay or not will be decided in the time you are in Japan.

So you should be prepared to be forced back.

You have always many ways which you could go...
Just try your way, but be prepared, it might not work.

Fact is, a higher skill level is alway better to get the things you want.

I`m just a guy from Germany, with the dream to learn more about Japan and to visit it in the future.

Cause I`m from Germany, be not to hard to me if my english is not the best.
Even got bad marks in school
but always trying to get better since I`m out.
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