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masaegu (Offline)
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02-06-2011, 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Metsn View Post

I need a little help from you. I just finished my thesis about Ainu, where I wrote that the first Ainu reference in Japanese documents is from Kamakura period.

But it seems that my professor doesn't agree with that and asking me when and where were Ainu people mentioned before that in Japanese documents.

I was trying to find the answer, but with no luck.

Does anybody here know the right answer?

Thank you!!
Kamakura? Not even close. I think it's around Asuka.

In 659, the Japanese missions to Tang China discussed the Ainu with Chinese authorities. That is documented in 日本書紀, which was compiled by 720.

This is the oldest reference that I know of. I may not be spot-on but couldn't be too far off.

Dunno if I should be helping any further. You are the thesis-writing scholar and I'm just a guy walking down the street.
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