here is my final zanpakuto & character ideas, doubt it can be surpased... you're welcome to try!
Name: Inaki Uhraka Hashinata
Age: 430 years
Affiliations: Gotei13, Vizard fraccions
Race: Vizard
Inaki is a human who somehow retained his memories at the moment his soulchain snapped from his body. He was soul buried by a shinigami of luitenant rank and ended up in district 71 of the soul society. Lost and confused he wondered the area for three days but collapsed due to fatigue and exhaustion.he lived there for three hundred years trying to find a way back home before he witnessed the captain destroy a menos grande hollow by zanpakuto and kido with ease in the soul society. Having had such an encounter he was enticed by the way of the sword and the demon arts, he decided to become a shinigami. He was found of destruction rather than creating hence he mastered the destructive arts and he was taught zanjustu following "the arts of the dragon" by the noble of the Hashinata family from seirretei. The most distinct features he has as a shinigami are on his shihakusho: the custom cut of tops and the glove-like bracelets he wears.
Zanpakuto Type: Kidou
Zanpakuto Name: Ryu_ou koku ryu (king of black dragons)
Invocation/Release stance: Doshiro O Ne Kurama Seru (Dazzle)
he holds up his sword slowly and holds it verticaly at an acute angle from his right arm.
zanpakuto looks like an ordinary black sheathed katana before release, but has the exception that the blade is black carbon steel make whilst in asauchi state. The hilt is engraved with makings of nine black dragons. and the cloth on the grip of it is blckish-jade green.
The katana splits into two and becomes razor sharp, flat, dual serrated kusarigama connected by a black chain with thee short pole-like segments in between the dual blades. The blades are held by identicle black hilts with dragon shaped rectangular guards..
Zanpakuto Bankai(second release): Kuro ryu no ma-juu-o (Demon beast king of black dragons)
Zanpakuto Release Phrase: twin fangs, great dark spirit trapped in slumber...the universe has gone dark. "Now, Dazzle!"
The the kusarigamas become a long white nodachi sword with dual habaki metal style blades made on a single sword without a guard but has a hilt coated by a green bandage-like silk coating and demonic dragon marks and accesories; black dragon head at the base of the hilt and it has three scythe blades chained to the dragon head.
Zanpakuto Kyuukyoukukai(ultimate release): Mokushiroku kuro ryu oni kotei (Black dragon demon emperor of the apocalypse)
It unleashes the dragon emperor itself: a hundred feet tall, sharp spiked wings, golden eyes, thorny spiked tail and the dragon is capable of using the Kurai rasen-dama technique and its huge bulky body to attack the opponent. The blade then changes one more time to become one with a dragon guard beneath the blade, it also has a dragon head mark beneath the hilt and and covers Inaki like an amour that can project its power wave-like projectiles in a meandering connected shape. It has the power to slash through almost anything by burning dakness: this power is called "Fuko no Chen"(chains of mysery)
Zanpakuto Power: Dakness flame reiatsu
Zanpakuto special abilities:1a."Amakakeru ryu no hirameki"(Dragon flight of heaven):
launches a winged dragon-like shaped flaming black wave towards his opponents
1b. his hollow holds a power called "Daiju go Dimenshon"(fifteenth dimension): a power that engulfs the opponent in a darker than black sphere crushing his essence by it self or by the spiritual vacuum between them.
other Zanpakuto Abilities: Kurai rasen-dama and Oteuchi
Zanpakuto Abilities Description: 1. In Kurai rsen-dama, The zanpakuto generates enormous reiatsu up to three quartere of the weilders and releases it in a spiraling spherical wave towards the opponent, can be asingle attack or multiple barrage... more requre higher reiatsu to make. (shikai and bankai)
2.Oteuchi is a technique where the destructive force of the sword is increased by thrice the limit of users reiatsu.. making the sword inflict a final fatal blow to the opponent (in bankai)