02-07-2011, 10:23 AM
Most of the foreigners who live up this way I know at least pretty well. In the area there are about 250 of us living here year round. Do I like all of them? Nope I don't but I'll always give a nod or a wave whenever I see them. Many I would consider my friends and when we meet we always stop and have a chat about how things are going. There's a pretty close group of about 30 of us who regularly get together for numerous social activities. In summer we spend a number of weekends away camping either on the coast or one of the nearby lakes. We have rugby and football teams and many people get together for bike riding and there's a weekly poker night. It all goes on hold for the few months of winter when we're all busy as hell with winter guests at the ski resort although a big group get together for a darts night once a week and we try and get out now and again and have a ski together.
When I'm in Kutchan and see some tourists I'm always happy to lend a hand if they need directions or advice. I love this region, I love promoting it and I really love helping others to enjoy it as much as I do. It's one of the great things about my job here. I get to assist people in having what is for many the greatest ski holiday they've ever had. It's great to be a part of that.
We do get a few tourists each winter who take having a good time a little too far and there has been the occassional fight or two in bars at ski village but overall most people just have a good time without causing any trouble.
I never came to Japan to lose myself in it's culture or to be the only gaijin in the village! I'm very happy to live around and meet other foreigners.
Last edited by GoNative : 02-07-2011 at 10:49 AM.