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delacroix01 (Offline)
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02-07-2011, 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
いられる = potential form of いる, to be. こと nominalizes the phrase. I read it as something like "Chigusa, you are so often able to be here with a smile on your face that I can notice it." Very awkward English, I know.

Maybe think of it literally as "Chigusa, the status of with-smiling-face-you-are-able-to-be-here has become so numerous that I can see/notice [the status]."

Also, キュルル is the sound of a growling stomach. 日本語資源 -
Thanks a lot for the explanation, Kyle. I get it all now The name is Chihaya by the way.

Regarding the audio questions, I've just managed to solve it with the help of a friend, so I'm not asking about it anymore. But I still would like to ask about ホッとする, since this is fairly important to me. Would someone mind answering that question of mine?