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godwine (Offline)
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02-07-2011, 11:16 AM

Originally Posted by RickOShay View Post
Don't worry Steven. I am fully confident Sitron here is going to strike out anyway. I do not understand why he doesn't just fork the money for a hooker since that is all he cares about. And if he says its because he doesn't want to pay money.. then all I can say is, wow, and cheap-ass and a jerk... good luck. Ladies be sure and keep your pepper spray handy.
I am glad that someone said all this.. I was getting annoyed by his threads too.

I think one thing need to be cleared: Japanese women do NOT just spread their legs when they see a caucasian. There are quite a few thats into foreigners, but thats only a very very small fraction out of the entire population.... Foreigners attract attention because they stand out as a minority....

Bottom line is, people who is interested in Japan or stay in japan because they have some disgusting sex fantasies with asian women should just keep their thought to themselves....