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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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02-07-2011, 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
Well I don't trust google...and the number of found items is not evidence of being correct...
It's times like these where being able to read Japanese relatively comfortably does help a bit. The very first URL in your Google results, for example, is about how non-native speakers often make a mistake and use the 不自然な「面白いでした」. The second one is written by a non-native speaker and is asking whether the construction is correct (the first response says "no it's not"). I stopped after that.

But yeah, you're correct that Google is not always trustworthy. Maybe I should have suggested to use instead.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 02-07-2011 at 03:10 PM.