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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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02-07-2011, 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by halfthishalfthat View Post
"Honorific" passive でしょう。
Chigusa is smiling more so that it's noticeable [that she's smiling].
I'm confused. Are you a native speaker or not? I was under the impression you're a native Japanese speaker because you've made a couple really helpful comments that wowed me (IIRC).

But as far as I know, there is no such thing as a passive いる (to be) or ある. How would that even work? I don't think you can make a passive construction out of a stative verb in any language because the definition of "passive" requires a shift in theme/patient (aka object/target) to subject, and there's no theme/patient with a stative verb.

But then again, it could just be a language issue—maybe you're just not terribly familiar with what we call certain grammatical terms in English. After all, we did basically arrive at the same translation at the end anyway.