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(#21 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
02-08-2011, 09:33 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
In Japan privacy is at a premium, so "live and let live" and not concerning yourself with what goes on behind closed doors permeates society. I don't want people concerning themselves with my business, so I will stay out of theirs.
I'm sorry, but in my experience privacy is "at a premium" (in quotes on purpose). The idea is, people aren't supposed to ask about that kind of stuff, but people ALWAYS ask me about that kind of stuff. It's ridiculous almost how X-rated some of my conversations have become. I'm not talking about one group, this is about young & old, men & women. Men try to get some weird 'H' details. Women seem to want to get your life story and your dating record. While I'm sure other people have different stories, in my experience it's like how you're not supposed to eat with your elbows on the table-- people get that it's wrong, but a ton of people just do it anyways. While they know they aren't supposed to talk about that kind of thing, some people will go ahead and ask how often you do "H" so they can segway into how their 'sessions' work. It's especially uncomfortable when there are women around... and when even higher up people are nearby. YIKES!
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