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RealJames (Offline)
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02-08-2011, 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by steven View Post
Which brings up something entirely unrelated to this thread-- things like that are interesting to me. The American 'come here' gesture vs. the Japanese 'come here' gesture. The Japanese nod (if you can call it that) vs the American nod. I'm sure there are tons of others-- so pardon this last one- the Japanese use of a scrub plane, and the American use of a scrub plane. I've heard American/European luthiers will scrape/carve (don't know the word) away from themselves while Japanese luthiers will do it towards themselves. Interesting!
lol I just asked my buddy to tell me to come over using his head, you're dead on! it's the total opposite! I wonder how many other things like that there are o.O

マンツーマン 英会話 神戸 三宮 リアライズ -James- This is my life and why I know things about Japan.
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