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(#138 (permalink))
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kenshiromusou (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 169
Join Date: Dec 2007
02-09-2011, 03:54 AM

Yo, my friends.
Could you help me with 2 sentences?
1 - 色黒で鋼 のような肉体を誇り、口数少なくニヒルな男。
What is this "swarthy steel" here? Is it suppose to be a stronger (forged steel)?

2 - しかし、一部のキャラクターに関しては、そのディティ ールが、実際に放映された
ものと異なっており、Mamiyaが、Yuriaに酷似する由来が記 載 さ れ る など興味
If I am not lost in this text, summarizing, it says Mamiya had a closer relation (origin) with Yuria in script, but this and other details about characters were not used in broadcasting. Is it close to correct?

Thank you very much, friends.


Last edited by kenshiromusou : 02-09-2011 at 03:57 AM.