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masaegu (Offline)
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02-09-2011, 04:09 AM

Originally Posted by kenshiromusou View Post
Yo, my friends.
Could you help me with 2 sentences?
1 - 色黒で鋼 のような肉体を誇り、口数少なくニヒルな男。
What is this "swarthy steel" here? Is it suppose to be a stronger (forged steel)?

2 - しかし、一部のキャラクターに関しては、そのディティ ールが、実際に放映された
ものと異なっており、Mamiyaが、Yuriaに酷似する由来が記 載 さ れ る など興味
If I am not lost in this text, summarizing, it says Mamiya had a closer relation (origin) with Yuria in script, but this and other details about characters were not used in broadcasting. Is it close to correct?
1. It's saying the person has a bronze-colored body, either by nature or suntanned.

2. Not really. The "this and other details about characters were not used in broadcasting" part is correct but not the Mamiya/Yulia part.

"(The script) had interesting contents such as the reason that Mamiya looks SO much like Yulia."