Hello, I'm sorry but I'm gonna post two pages worth of dialogue. It's the same manga I've been asking questions about for a while now. In this scene the main character (who is a young father) is talking to a female friend of his says she's pregnant;
M; 「そっか・・・おめでとう」
"Oh... congratulations"
F; 「えー そんだけぇ!? もっと驚かないの?」
"Huh? That's it!? You aren't a little more surprised?"
F; 「そっか 来栖君
"Oh, I see, since you're already a dad this year (?) you're a great senior (? What's the difference between 大先輩 and 先輩?)
F; 「あー 私の彼氏も
"Oh, my boyfriend is a wife like you [Kurusu-kun] (?) Earnest and kind person was nice (? I'm completely confused by this line...

M; 「え」
F; 「聞いてよぉ 父親の男は最低なやつなの」
"Listen, the father (of the baby) is the most despicable guy"
F; 「機嫌悪いとすぐ八つ当たりするし 他の女と堂々と浮 気すんだよ」
"When he's in a bad mood he's quick to lose his temper and he blatantly fools around with other women"
F; 「子供が出来たなんてバレたら 絶対 堕ろせって言わ れちゃう」
"If word got out that I was having a kid I'm sure I'd be told to abort it"
F; 「この前結婚する気なんかないって言ってたし」
"The other day he told me he had no intention of getting married"
M; 「なんで そんな男と付き合ってんの?」
"Why are you going out with a guy like that for?"
F; 「確かに 私 付き合う男そんな最悪なんだよね」
"Of course the guys I date are the worst"
F; 「男 見る目無いって言われるんだー」
"I'm told I'm a bad judge when it comes to guys"
F; 「でも彼 顔はいいしさ 時々は優しいから好きになっ ちゃったの」
But, he has a nice face and there are times when he's kind so I ended up falling in love with him"
F; 「仕方ないよね」
"It can't be helped"
F; 「それに・・・ もうこの子に愛着がわいちゃって」
"Besides... I've already grown fond of this kid"
F; 「一人だとやっぱ不安だけど どうしても産んで育てた いの」
"If I'm alone I know I'll worry (?) but I wanna have and raise this kid no matter what"
M; 「子供はかわいいよ」
"Kids are cute"
M; 「父親になったって分かったら彼氏も変わるかも」
"If he knows he's a dad (?) he'll change too"
F; 「本当!?」
M; 「いや・・・分かんねぇけど」
"Well... I don't know for sure"
F; 「ありがと~~~!!!」
"Thank you!!!"
F; 「経験者の来栖君がそう言ってくれて安心したー」
"I'm relieved to hear that from someone with experience like you"
F; 「それじゃ今日で一応 お世話になりましたって こと で」
"Well then, I'd grateful for your help today (?)
These two pages as a whole were pretty hard for me :/ I'm not assuming any part of this is correct... Sorry for the length.