Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
Hello, I'm sorry but I'm gonna post two pages worth of dialogue. It's the same manga I've been asking questions about for a while now. In this scene the main character (who is a young father) is talking to a female friend of his says she's pregnant;
F; 「そっか 来栖君
"Oh, I see, since you're already a dad this year (?) you're a great senior (? What's the difference between 大先輩 and 先輩?)
その年 = at that age, not "this year".
先輩 = usually just a few years older than you (even just one year)
大先輩 = many years older. In figurative or dramatic speech, this just means the same thing as 先輩.
F; 「あー 私の彼氏も
"Oh, my boyfriend is a wife like you [Kurusu-kun] (?) Earnest and kind person was nice (? I'm completely confused by this line...

I told you this before and I'm telling you again.
Study relative clauses if you want to improve your Japanese. Many of your mistakes have been on translating relative clauses lately. (And you didn't even bother to do the exercise I made for you the other day....

来栖君みたいな奥さん一途で優しい人 is a relative clause. "a 人 who ~~~".
What is this person like? >> 奥さん一途で優しい like 来栖君.
This is the speaker's ideal BF. I'm not going to translate as I think I've given you enough clues.
F; 「子供が出来たなんてバレたら 絶対 堕ろせって言わ れちゃう」
"If word got out that I was having a kid I'm sure I'd be told to abort it"
having a kid > pregnant
M; 「子供はかわいいよ」
"Kids are cute"
More like "adorable"? Just hope you didn't automatically opted for "cute" because you saw かわいい.
M; 「父親になったって分かったら彼氏も変わるかも」
"If he knows he's a dad (?) he'll change too"
"he might change"
F; 「それじゃ今日で一応 お世話になりましたって こと で」
"Well then, I'd grateful for your help today (?)
Without knowing what happens after this, I cannot say your translation is correct. It definitely looks like the girl is leaving Kurusu in some way.