Originally Posted by MMM
I realize different programs are different, but I wonder how headache inducing it was to have a bunch of teachers at NOVA who pull out upon arrival.
I met one of the regional organizers of Jet, and yeah it's an entirely different program, with a lot of work and support, which is wonderful.
I did the nova job too, for me and for everyone I worked with it was as simple as walking into an interview, showing up to a day of training at the nearest branch that had a senior teacher (no need for shinkansen, more of a 200y ticket heh).
I think that it's exactly because so many left as quickly as they came that so little effort went into getting them or training them, which is why most of them seriously suck at what they do but that's a different topic.
I think you hit on the right idea, there are different levels of loyalty owed to different companies depending on how much of the effort of getting you in the door is shouldered by them. With JET I'd feel guilty running with their visa and going to another place right away, with nova, not at all lol.