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(#12 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
02-09-2011, 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by cyberbemon View Post
there is a thing called privacy can control who sees what..i make a seperate list for people i knw IRL and people i have met over the internet..and i can control what they can see in my profile. for eg: my photos,contact info,wallposts etc etc
To be fair even then you aren't safe. FB has had issues when revamping the site at setting everything to 'public' by default, and making private messages public by accident . . . also if you 'like' anything that page has access to your info like a 'friend' does, and 'liking' adverts gives advertisers access to your information too. Even if everything is 'private' it isn't as private as people assume. The safest thing to do is not put anything up that can identify you at all: no DOB, address, phone number, etc. There's no guarantee that no one else can see it.
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