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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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02-09-2011, 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
Thanks Kyle, I did know かも → かもしれまない (from watching エリンが挑戦! にほんごできます!) but it's nice that you were looking out for me I messed that up last night since it was way past the time I normally go to bed :P

And BTW Kyle, to ask another native English speaker; The term "bun in the oven" has always grossed me out my dad would say he had a bun in the oven when he needed to 'drop the bomb' (or 'take the Browns to the Super Bowl', 'fertilize the porcelain' etc). So as another English speaker, does "bun in the oven" carry a nuance of needing to do business? Or does it just seem that way to me because that's the way my dad used it?
I think it depends on tone of voice. I've heard it like your dad uses it, but always with a sarcastic, wink-wink tone of "you know what I mean." But I'd heard it the first time way after I'd heard it to mean "pregnant."

And my favorite that I've heard lately was something like "going to drop the Jonas brothers off at the pool." I think maybe it was from Saturday Night Live or something.

To answer your question: If someone said it seriously, it wouldn't even enter my mind that maybe he was talking about poop.