Originally Posted by GoNative
The difference is in Aus, at least down south where I lived, if it got into the high 30's it was usually bone dry heat with the winds straight off the interior deserts. In Gunma it was high 30's and 90%+ humidity. Everyone there lives scurrying from one air conditioned place to another. Just horrible. Plus I just love snow and cold. It almost can't get too cold for me (well below -30 does get a little uncomfortable).
My first summer in Osaka was hell, like you said moving from ac to ac. But something happened, my blood thinned out or something and the 2nd summer was no problem at all, a little sweaty but not even close to miserable, it even felt like the locals were complaining more than me, and the 3rd summer was even better.
The winters on the other hand... I came from Canada, the first winter I was in t-shirts and laughing at how anyone could consider 10C cold haha. But this winter I'm sporting the down jacket and scarf lol.