Thread: PS3 VS Wii
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crazypete (Offline)
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PS3 VS Wii - 11-17-2006, 02:38 AM

tomorrow is the launch of the suggestion..let me give you guys some info...originally supposed to be 400,000 Units shipped to the U.S it is now 150,000 units... why you ask?

1. system kept on over heating(no surprise)
2. controllers were starting to suck
3. the backwards compatibility of it SUCKS basically you can play the PS1 and PS2 games, but you would not be able to see them and 4. is why
4. IGN: Sony's Grave Error: The $499 HDMI-Lacking PS3.
5. let's see a PS2=$600 warranty: son of a$@# $100 game: 60 bucks: memory card: it better be at least $40>_<.. you're looking at paying about $800 dollars

the Wii? 4 million are coming here so don't worry ppl you'll definitely get one.... the games are awesome and i've played Excite Truck for it.. it rocks!!! another thing... it IS backwards compatable.. and you can create your own "Mii" which is basically a version of yourself on the console... surf the interner if u have WiFi and also add pictures to it.. and price?

Wii console: $250
games: $50
warranty: $40
don't know if u need mem card or not...but in all you're looking at about $350.... see the difference? ppl.. you know PS3 will probabaly go do me a favor..stick with the Wii..

my girlfriend is NinjaKasumi123

I love you NinjaKasumi
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