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(#165 (permalink))
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kenshiromusou (Offline)
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Join Date: Dec 2007
02-10-2011, 05:02 AM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
1. Yes. I don't know why the 夫 is there to begin with.

2. Good. It's a relative clause but you translated it as if it were a sentence.

"A man so perfidious and pragmatic as a fox, follows ~~~" >>>> "A man so perfidious and pragmatic as a fox who follows ~~~"
はやっ! Masaegu先生。
I don't know if it is used in Japanese language, Masaegu先生, but when I was reading "with my native language" I just thought about an ellipsis of subject in: (...) pragmatic as a fox, [he] follows...
