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masaegu (Offline)
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02-10-2011, 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
By the way. One last question. In the dictionary as last entry it is a use of は I had never seen before. I will write just the subtitles of the entry...I guess you really don't need the explanation that comes after the titles, because you know the matter already too well
<<「AはAだ」の形で、同じ語を「は」の前後で反復 させて>>。。。
<<「A(なこと)はAだが」「AするにはAしたが」 などの形で>>。。。
例:「そりゃ、迷惑なことは迷惑だけど。。。」「安い ことは安いが、質が悪い」勝つには勝ったが、それほど うれしくない」

I think I understood the meaning, but I am not sure about it. Is it a way to agree with something happened or a status, but adding a negative aspect of it? Like saying "to be cheap it is cheap, but the quality is not good" or "to win he has won, but he is not so happy about it".
Exactly. It is a way of politely acknowledging an action or situation but at the same time not showing too much concern or approval. This form is very often used even among children.
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