02-10-2011, 04:30 PM
Hi everyone (first post - this thread got me to sign up)
I'm 37 and I've been wanting to try living in Japan, but I also figured it would be next to impossible. Is finding a job teaching Engilsh really not that hard? Is it best to apply while on a tourist visa as opposed to trying to apply from the U.S.? Is it something that could support oneself in Japan? (Assuming living frugally.)
I guess I never thought about using teaching as a way to just "get a foot in the door". I figured if you left a teaching job, you instantly loose your visa.
I've been toying with the idea of getting a CELTA or some other TEFL certificate. I've been a web-programmer for a long time now, but have been wishing I could get out of it and try something else.