Originally Posted by xkmkmlmx
No offense whatsoever, but you have not even visited and you're considering moving there?
May I ask why? Also, why would you not want to at least visit first?
I tend to think of moving AS visiting... just for a longer period of time.
Actually, I think the experience of "visiting" (as a tourist) and actually trying to live somewhere (even if only for a few months) are two totally different things, and one doesn't have anything to do with the other. I think it's very possible to really like a place having visited for a week or two, but then dislike it when trying to live there. And the opposite as well.
And also, when I think of moving somewhere, I'm not necessarily thinking "forever". I'm very open to the possibility I may not like it after 1, 3, 6, 12 months. In which case, I'll just move somewhere else (without having visited).
I "moved to" Argentina a few years ago without ever having visited. I decided it wasn't for me and moved back to the US, although I had a great time for the 6 months I was there, made some cool friends and learned Spanish. But I was open to living there long-term (years) if things had worked out.
To sum it up, I guess I'm just a "jump into the deep end" type of guy.