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SCIFFIX (Offline)
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Instrumental Music - 02-10-2011, 11:46 PM

I really like instrumental music and I want to know what other users usually hear or like about instrumental music.

Feel free to post videos, talk about what do you feel when you hear the music that you are posting and coment about what other users post. All musical styles are allowed, but have to be a instrumental performance.

I didn't put this topic on Japanese Music in reason to give liberty to the users to post music from all parts of the world.

I'm starting with three songs:

1-Choro de Criança - Artist: Kiko Loureiro

Very calm and enjoyable song, the name Choro de Criança is Child's cry in portuguese.

Kiko Loureiro plays guitar on a metal band called Angra, but that music is in No Gravity album, his solo work. In some interviews Hizaki(Versailles) said that he likes to hear Angra songs. Kiko is one of my prefered guitar players.

2-Final Fantasy theme (FFIV Prologue) - Composed by Nobuo Uematsu and Interpreted by Prima Vista Philharmonic Orchestra

This music how can you see is from Final Fantasy, It was composed for Final Fantasy IV (SNES). It's played when Cecil left Baron Castle after his discusion with the king not much after the begining of the game. In other games of Final Fantasy series this song can be heard in the final credits. This song really touch my heart, I get quite close to cry when I hear.

3- Metal Gear Main Theme - Composed By Tappi Iwase (TAPPY) and modified by Harry Gregson-Williams

Metal Gear Main Theme, one of my favorite themes. This song simply summarize Solid Snake being. It was composed by TAPPY for Metal Gear Solid and modified to this version by Harry Gregson-Williams for Metal Gear Solid 2.

Video Games: Serious Business

Last edited by SCIFFIX : 02-10-2011 at 11:48 PM.
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