Hello, I love instrumental music. Specially post-rock for its build-ups.
Here are some bands I like:
YouTube - east hastings-godspeed you black emperor
The song is about 20 minutes long, so It's not the full song. My favorite part(on the youtube video) is around 5:27 min till the end.
YouTube - And So I Watch You From Afar @ The Voiceless
October 26 2010, I traveled from Monterrey, Mexico to Austin, Texas just to see my favorite band. "envy" a Japanese screamo/post-rock band. Before envy played I was bored because I didn't care about the other bands, but then I heard in the background this song from the band And so I watch you from afar, and fell in love with it, of course it is just instrumental.
YouTube - Explosions in the Sky - Magic Hour
Explosions in the sky, I love the part at 3:19 till the end!.
YouTube - NIN - A Warm Place
Apart from post rock I like other kind of instrumental music. This one is a perfect example from NIN. I always listen to this song at night watching the stars with a cigar in hand.
YouTube - MONO - Pure As Snow (Trails Of The Winter Storm), 5.9.09 Le Poisson Rouge, NY
One of my favorite post rock bands from Japan is Mono. I'll leave this live performance.
Other bands I like are Mogwai and Sigur Ross for example. I also listen to a lot of soundtrack from video games and movies.