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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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02-11-2011, 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by p0002q View Post
haha, yes this.

Also not trying to learn the entire language. was just telling someone at work what Baka meant... (he says "baka" words a lot lol)

So he asked me if bakas meant a group of people... I really didn't know and had no luck finding out.

And yes, I have no clue what those symbols translate too...

Also, I see conflicting information... one says Bakas, some say no

But after reading everything, it seems like there is no "Bakas" just baka... i think !?
The end of it all is that there are ways of pluralizing it, but you probably shouldn't in your case. Just look around the room obviously, take a big deep breath, and yell "baka" with the same type of body language you would have had you yelled "you guys are all so stupid!" in English.
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