Originally Posted by Sitron
We turned friends again, and she let me back to her facebook. But the thing is I see several pictures on her facebook with comments from guys saying she's so pretty. And on one of the pictures from november a guy tells her he loves her, and she comments I love you back.
Should I be suspicious? Because she told me she had had no boyfriends before, and that she is not used to get called pretty by guys. That I am the only one she hears it from.
I think she may be a gold digger looking for a visa to europe.
She's pretty, she has a lot of friends, it's normal for people to comment on how attractive she is. It's also normal for friends (mainly girls) to say 'I love you' to one another, most I know would say it to their friends, or even say it jokingly back to a guy if he said it to them in that kind of context . . .
With all due respect, if you're not a troll you sound like you have zero self-esteem, paranoia, a hatred of women, and a very superficial personality. If you can't trust this girl then I would say don't try to start a relationship with her, and especially not after one week, it's not just "desperate" as someone else said, but obssessive and rather creepy. Please, get therapy and/or get out into the real world. Meet people in real life. You need to get out more. . .